Category: Artworks

Summary of 2023

Pictured above: “Abundance” Quilt, finalist in Holmes Realistic Bird Art Prize, 2023 2023 has been quite the year, and despite the challenge of having a frozen shoulder for the most part, I still managed to achieve quite a lot. I commenced the year by being voted in as Treasurer of…

Summary of 2022

Pictured above: “Hiding in Plain Sight” Quilt, finalist in Holmes Realistic Bird Art Prize, 2022 It has been another busy year of creating art, finding new pathways and enjoying life in general. A quick run down of all that the year 2022 has brought me – I joined the Queensland…

A Few More Ribbons

Sadly, the Ekka and as such, Quilts Across Queensland was cancelled last minute this year. Quilts were already submitted and it was decided to go ahead with judging anyway. I was lucky enough to receive a first and second ribbon on my two entries! Very Chuffed. The blue ribbon was…