Category: Uncategorized

More Little Birds

Well, folks.  I know I promised to show you the other Little Bird wall hangings I have been making, but yes, have been a bit slack on the blogging lately.  But here they are! Rainbow Bee-eater Crimson Rosella Major Mitchell Cockatoo These, along with the Rainbow Lorikeet I have already…

New Workshop Schedule

Have I been busy girl lately!  I have a host of new workshops and accompanying patterns coming to you.  I will be teaching a great 2 day Applique by Machine workshop where we delve into the different methods, give them all a trial run, and then make a couple of…

What I’m up to

I’m currently working on some little projects for workshops.  They are based on some of my bird quilts/textiles that I have done, and they are lots of fun.  Here’s the first one.  First, I paint the bird, then I applique it down with it’s environment:  Then stitch it all together!…


Finally, after years of thinking about making a piece for Sota (State of the Art Quilt) exhibition, I have done a piece and entered it this year.  The juror saw fit to include my piece (thank’s Lisa!) and today I thought I would share it with you all.  It’s called…