I’ve been on a learning curve! I have always been fascinated by the designs printed onto fabric and so I’ve been having a go. I’ve ordered my first trial from a website called Spoonflower, that custom prints your design onto the fabric, can’t wait for it to arrive in the mail!
Here’s a design I did with some photos I took of a bunch of marbles, it’s called “Marblicious”

I did another one, using some watercolour images which I then played with in the computer, this one is “Sea Shanty”
I’m really pleased with this one, and it was lots of fun to do.
Let me know what you think of them and if you’d buy fabric like this. These fabrics will eventually be put up for sale, but I want to design a few more before getting more test swatches printed because of the overseas postal costs, and it takes a few weeks to get here. Oh, if only it could arrive sooner!
Mmmm, what to design next….