Since I bought the old bernina in my last post, I have, yes, bought another old Bernina, this time a 544. It is older, only does straight & zig zag, very well worn, but running well. So.. to put it through it’s paces, I decided to do a machine embroidery, and this is the result. Pretty good stitching work for such an ol’ gal eh? (that’s the sewing machine, not me, I’m not over 50 years old yet!!!)
I love free motion embroidery, it tends to have a more fluid result that digitized embroidery, and besides, when you consider that the machine I stitched this on cost me $45, took me 4 -5 hours approx to complete, it wins hands down on both accounts. Laughing just like a kookaburra – hoo hoo haa haa hee hee!!!!